Do you have a bad feeling in your stomach about some aspect of your life?
Perhaps it concerns your business or maybe a personal relationship?
If your dominant communication style is Blue or Purple, then you need to trust your gut instinct because for you, your gut instinct is never wrong. If you feel something is going to turn out well, it invariably well. Conversely, if you feel uneasy about a situation, then my advice is do something about it before it is too late.
Did you know there are four communication styles used in everyday conversations. Two process from the heart, the other two from the mind.
Which is your dominant communication style?
Take our quick test on our home page and find out.
Then, in order to fully understand why people think and act the way they do, click on the Events page and register for our public DOTS courses coming up in May (Sydney Saturday 14th May and Brisbane Friday 20th May).
At our one day DOTS course, not only will you accurately determine your dominant communication style but we will train you in how to recognise the likely communication style of all the important people in your life and have you practice talking in the three communication styles that you are not dominant in.
I promise lots of laughter and interactive exercises throughout the day. You wont sit still for long and after 6 hours, you will have all the tools you need to change the way you communicate; forever.
Challenging conversations become stress-less and both your business and personal relationships will improve.
Do you really want to turn away from such an opportunity?
On our testimonials page you can read about the people that had the courage to say “I want to learn how to be more effective in having people understand what I want of them.”
If it feels right, go with it.